We design and manage investments to finance economies of the future.
These economies generate financial returns and value for more than a select few. They will protect and preserve the planet, benefit people from all cultures and communities, and incentivize innovations that contribute to economic resilience and sustainability. We believe that this work doesn’t have to take place over generations, it can scale today.
We base our work on the following core beliefs:
Investments, and the broader capital system, only truly succeed when they are financing economies that are good for people and the planet and returning value to investors and ecosystems.
A collaborative, transparent, diverse, and inclusive approach to designing and managing capital helps to generate value, increase returns in the long term and decrease risk.
Blended capital uncovers markets that were previously deemed uninvestable, enables partnerships with a wider group of investors, and facilitates a whole systems approach to investing for impact.
Nascent economies and markets – across multiple geographies – or economies undergoing important transitions offer the strongest opportunity to foster greater connectivity, innovation, and trust.

What WE DO

Whether alone or with partners, we manage investment funds that are good for people and the planet and that return value to both investors and the entrepreneurial ecosystems they're supporting.
In our approach to investing we prioritize stewardship, integrity, transparency, humility, and collaboration as guiding values.
We work alongside our sister company SecondMuse, leveraging its extensive experience building inclusive economies and supporting systems’ innovation around the world. Together our broad network of industry, corporate, community, and public sector partners create lasting value for the companies and funds in which we invest.
Our current active focus is on climate innovation ventures across the USA and Canada as well as local businesses and economic development in South West Florida.
For information about our current investment opportunities please contact us and we will be delighted to share them with you.
To advance our development of inclusive economies, it is not enough to invest through traditional investment structures that themselves have been designed and are governed through exclusionary processes.
Our Future Economy Lab is a global research and design lab that collaboratively creates financial and investment mechanisms, as well as strategies to support economies and innovations that are both sustainable and inclusive.
Our past and active labs span a variety of themes and focus areas, including climate economy, abundantly investing in youth of Color, collective ownership organizations, property ownership for small business owners, and K-12 education.
As part of our design services, we conduct holistic landscape analysis, investment product design & structuring, stakeholder alignment, investment sourcing, and de-risking strategies, engaging a wide range of stakeholders along the way.

We work with visionary investors, governments, corporations, foundations, founders, and community partners to navigate, invest in and collectively build 21st-century economies.

Meet the Team

Contact US
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